This tools section is a collection of resources that we think you may find beneficial - yell out if you have any other recommendations.

SWMS - Safe Work Method Statement template that you can fill out the next time you need one on site. You can even print this out, keep it in the truck and write it out on site as and when you need it.


BRICK CALCULATOR - Want to know how many bricks are required? We always recommend looking at the manufacturers website but if thats not possible check out this free calculator.

STEEL TONNAGE - Need the weight of bar for your block walls check out page 3 of this site for accurate weights per lineal metre.

COREFILL QUANTITIES - Are you trying to work out how much corefill you will need for your next block job? Check out this publication by Baines, quantities on the last page.

MORTAR CALCULATOR - This helpful sand, cement. lime calculator will help you calculator how many mortar bags that are required that you can then use to calculate how much bulk sand and cement is required for your project.

ROOF PITCH CALCULATOR - This handy calculator helps you calculate the roof pitch for all those gable ends!



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MASONRY WALL SAFETY - This is a great publication regarding propping and some things to consider when building your next wall.

MENTAL HEALTH - This is a great site to support you, a member of your team, or anyone you may know that is going through a hard time and would like to speak to someone. Beyond Blue does some amazing work there is a number at the bottom left of the site.

ESTIMATING ADVICE - We are available 24/7 to discuss any of your masonry estimating questions. Estimating can go beyond how many bricks per m2 - we can help with, pricing, dealing with clients, commercial site questions and close to anything contracts/tendering.

NATIONAL BRICKLAYERS AUSTRALIA - National Bricklayers is an amazing facebook support group for you to connect with like minded people in the trade throughout Australia - you can use it to find work, ask a question, or show off your masonry skills. A very respectful group of professionals - there is also a mentor program available for members.

SECURITY OF PAYMENTS ADVICE - The security of payments act can be confusing even for the experts - this is the best website we have found that explains the common pitfalls etc in your state and exactly how to use the act. Adjudicate Today’s office is always helpful and the information provided on their site is the best in the industry.